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Women's film music in the spotlight at a unique event in Bíó Paradís.

A unique event about film music will be held at Bíó Paradís on Saturday, January 14th in collaboration with Feminist Film Festival, og Anima Productions. The event will include shown scenes from Kristína Jóhannesdóttir's films, but she specially selected some scenes for eight composers who have now composed new music for the scenes. "The composers come from all walks of life and have different backgrounds, so it will be fun to see the result," says Arngerður Árnadóttir, who is behind the project together with filmmaker Eydís Eir Brynju-Björnsdóttir. The group includes female musicians such as Una Stef, Elísabet Ey and Arngerður herself.

Una Stef & Elísabet Ey
Una Stef & Elísabet Ey

There will also be dialogues and panel discussions with professionals from the film and music industry both at home and from abroad.

The music supervisor of the Netflix series The Crown among guests

Music supervisor Alicen Schneider, who is best known for her work in the TV series The Crown, is one of the participants in the panel discussion. Alicen is also the Executive Director of Studio and Network and founder of the acclaimed Music Management Division within NBC Universal.

"At the moment, there are only two working music supervisors ( supervisors) in Iceland, Inga Magnes Weisshappel and Cheryl Kara, but they have been invaluable support for this project. We started the two of us and now such valkyries have gathered around us, so we are optimistic about the future", says Eydís.

"The goal is to create a relationship between film composers, filmmakers and film music supervisors," says Arngerður, "and thus create a platform for film composers to promote their work and increase their visibility.

The event is called Lokk, but it is taken from an Old Norse word that was used for a certain sound. "Lokki" is performed with a loud voice and means singing of symbols and messages. This is a sound that makes your voice heard over long distances. This form of song can be found in many parts of the world and is considered to be one of the oldest forms of music, so it fits well with the aim of the event.

Music and sound are extremely important in filmmaking. Interest has also sprung up for Icelandic composers and foreign projects have started looking here. It can be estimated that the victory of an Icelander at the Oscar for original music in a film has fueled that interest. It is therefore important for women and of course other transgender people who always have to prove themselves a little more than others to have a creative space to express themselves and gain more confidence in this field.

Arngerður Árnadóttir, Eydís Eir Björnsdóttir & Inga Weisshappel
Lokk board: Arngerður Árnadóttir, Eydís Eir Björnsdóttir & Inga Weisshappel

You can have a closer look at the event here

Instagram page where you can see all the women behind the project

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