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Tips for releasing a song

Step 1 

-It is important that you have applied for spotify for artist's in order to be able to keep track of everything around your releases.

It can take up to 3 days for artist access to take effect, so it's important to start before uploading a song to streaming service

Everything you need to know: 

Step 2 

Who are you as an artist?

Ask yourself these 8 questions.
1. Who do you associate with in music? (1-3 artists you support is a good start)
2. What can you do similar that is authentic to you?
3. What group do you belong to and what music policy are you pursuing?
4. What is your clothing style?
5. What kind of people are interested in you?
6. What's your brand?
7. What message do you want to send to the world?
8. What attracts people to you?

It's important to know who you are and where you're heading in music, what messages you want to send out into the world and why people should listen to you.

Step 3

- We recommend uploading music to streaming 4 weeks before the release to pitch the song on spotify in hopes of getting a playlist after spotify! 

Extra tip: It is best to release a song on Friday as many people update their playlists then and then you are most likely to be added.

Step 4

- It is best to upload the song to streaming service 4 weeks before a specific release date in order to pitch the song to the spotify editorial playlist

Spotify has its own playlist where they let in songs that they describe well, but the notice period must be long enough to get into this playlist.

Step 5

- You can share your song directly from spotify with a link directly to spotify on social media like in instagram story and from there people can click play and go directly to your spotify! 

Instructions in pictures:

Step 6

- Visual is important and can be very important, we recommend taking a great artist photo that reflects the song or album.

(We offer photography for artists)

Step 7

- You can find many fun ways to market your music on Distrokid.

For example, you can join the spin the wheel playlist at Distrokid where your song always gets into their playlist until you are pushed off another track and then you can spin the wheel again to get back in.

You can also take part in a song poll and submit your song to the poll in hopes of making the Distrokid playlist. is one fun medium to distribute your song and get feedbacks and comments about your song. (then it's nice to be diligent in commenting with others)

Screenshot 2022-03-10 at 16.26.53.png

Image of Distrokid where you will find these ways.

Step 8

- Photos and content! 

Having a wealth of artist images and materials to use for marketing and regularly posting various fun works or images captures people's interest in you and your music.

​ You can order artist photography from Flame here:


Step 9

Vertu opin fyrir því að læra, prufa nýja hluti og taka gagngrýni á jákvæðan hátt og nota það til þess að læra hvað þú getur gert betur til að þín tónlist fái sem mestan árángur.

því er mikilvægt að skilgreina uppbyggilegt gagnrýni sem jákvætt hjálpartól í þínum ferli.

Dæmi: Ef að einhver bendir þér á að það heyrist illa hvað þú ert að segja í lögunum þínum, þá er það uppbyggilegt gagnrýni sem þú getur tekið með þér í næstu lög og unnið í því að syngja skýrar eða jafnvel bent hljóðvinnslu manninum þínum á að vinna vocalinn þinn skýrar.

Eða ef að einhver bendir þér á að tónlistinn sé illa unnin að þá gæti það verið rétt og þú gætir þurft að skoða fleiri hljóðvinnslu menn til þess að taka þinn feril á næsta stig.

Ekki er öll gagnrýni uppbyggileg eins og ef að einhver segir þér að þú munir aldrei ná langt í tónlist og þú eigir að gefast upp þá er það einhvað sem að þú ættir ekki að taka persónulega því að allir gera búið til flotta tónlist með æfingu og réttum hljóðmanni svo lengi sem þú finnur þig og hvað hentar þér og þinni rödd.

Oft er okkar besta kennslutól álit annara sem að segja þér hreinskilið út hvað mætti fara betur og þannig læra að fullkomna þína list en að sjálfsögðu á meðan þú ert sannur sjálfri/um þér í þinni sýn.

Tip 10

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